Monday, September 2, 2013

Yawn! More walking, more lakes

Today is "Labor Day" here in the good ol' US of A, which means, confusingly, that it's a holiday and nobody works. Desperate for something to do that was open (and pretty much sick to death of the parks we go to ALL THE TIME - plus it's a lot cooler today, so I wasn't up to swimming, even if F. would have been) I looked up what Genesee County Parks had to offer that was new. I found "Hogbacks Area", which sounded intriguing, and I dragged Frederick off to see them. Turns out they were great - a wilder version of Seven Lakes. Unfortunately, "wilder" means "no signs, so very easy to get lost", so the end of the trek was a little fraught, but we made it. We even bumped into some horse riders along the way. Most of the time was spent walking entirely round the lake featured prominently below: "Not long now, I promise! The GPS SWEARS the car's just over there..."

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