Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Made it to Mansfield

This is the door that was open when I arrived at the Highwayman in the wee small hours:
And this is the sight that greeted me when I emerged from said door blearily at 7:30 AM (i.e., 2:30 Flint time): In theory I could have walked along the canal all the way into Oxford, but it would have taken a good 3 or more hours, especially with my tiny-wheeled luggage, so I chickened out and took the bus. Besides, it's pretty nippy. I definitely underdressed, misled by the summery conditions the last two times I did this around this time of year. Anyway, I made it to Mansfield College and they let me in my room early:
And here's the shared bathroom, because I know my audience (i.e., me in a couple of years) is clamouring for it:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All very neat. Sure you can do something about that.
