Friday, September 27, 2013


So, for reasons too disgusting to detail here, my doctor told me to get a colonoscopy at my last checkup. I put it off until after my trip, but eventually it had to happen, so all this week I've been living on a restricted diet, which on Wednesday because a wholly liquid diet (apparently jelly (UK)/jello (US) counts as a liquid, so I ate a LOT of that). Then today the worst happened: I had to chug a gallon (4 litres, to be exact) of fairly disgusting fluid which flushed RIGHT through me until... well, you don't want to know. Then at 12:15 Joanne drove me in and after waiting a couple of hours in bed with one of those stupid gowns on... ...fortunately they gassed me before ramming a camera up my arse. However, I was only under for about half an hour and didn't feel anything worse than slightly woozy when I came out, so they must have some magic stuff. As you can see from the image below (if you DARE to look closely) I have pearly pink insides. They found one "polyp" which they removed. If it's "pre-cancerous" I have to go back in five years, but if it's not, I can wait ten.


Unknown said...

Horrible experience! Glad it's over. Here's to the 10year option.


The Cushanderingsons said...

If it wasn't for the restricted diet stuff it was remarkably un-unpleasant. I have to wonder at what kind of person gets into this line of medicine, though.