Monday, August 5, 2013

The Cabin By The Lake (Saturday)

Here is the cabin, just outside Tomahawk, WI: Frederick, not yet recovered from the 10 hour drive split up between two days (and don't get me started on the "12 Foot Falls Fiasco"), seems a bit dazed and confused. Standing next to the back porch, you can just get a view of the lake. After snacking up a bit, Gordon (my second cousin, or so he says--and he is the geneology expert (or so he says)) volunteers to take us for a nice, relaxing scenic tour of the local area in his 4-seater ATV. The engine is explosively loud, so all riders must don ear protection. Simon, after bouncing about in his seat during the air-bourne stunts, shows his happiness. Glad to be alive, Simon and Frederick pose for Gordon by another lake near the cabin (Fish lake, or some such place). Here is Gordon, itching to get back behind the wheel for the rest of Round 1: Crazed Driving! (When Gordon isn't driving his ATV like a madman, he is hanging out with the locals, getting to know them. He told me he interviewed the wife of Einar Ingman (the guy I mentioned as a joke in a previous blog entry) to find out all she knew about the area here. He also ran into Tuffy Mahoney, who was the bus driver for both Sturge and John when we lived up here--amazingly, he is still alive and kicking.) When asked if he wanted to ride, Thomas was non-committal, which is why Frederick went for the first ride. Yet the whole time Simon, Frederick and Gordon were gone, Thomas kept peering out the window and asking, "When are they coming back?" Finally, FINALLY, they did return, looking much worse for the wear. Simon fed Frederick the rest of a pizza and prepared to set out for the grocery store (beloved Nelson's, which had an AMAZING supply of GF foods, much to our amazement--it is better stocked than any store in Flint) but Frederick jumped back into the ATV. I was certain that Simon, accusing Gordon of being "insane behind the wheel," was overstating matters. But it wasn't long before I was screaming and seriously wondering if I had doomed both my children to a gruesome death. Nonetheless, every time I turned around to check on Thomas and Frederick, both were grinning hugely. (Indeed, the more terrifying the ride became, the more Frederick enjoyed it: at one point when we were bouncing up and down deep ravines in the trails, he was yodeling happily.) Thomas enjoys the scenery, wondering if catching fish is as easy, and profitable, as it is in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. As stated above, Gordon is genealogy obsessed and insisted on having photos of us all together. (Frederick is wondering if there are going to be more ATV rides.) And here we are inside. We almost look like we like to be together!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks HAPPY.
