Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday: the place to ourselves

Sunday we woke up to find the lake was gone and was replaced by a deep, thick fog. About an hour later the fog was gone and the lake was back--and Frederick wanted to go boating! Simon remembered Gordon's warning: "Don't forget to replace the plug in the boat!" and they set off. Most inappropriately dubbed by Frederick "Speed Boat", they SLOWLY made their way across to the other side of the lake. (Later in the day, Simon swam to the other side of the lake is less time.) After securing the boat so no bears would steal it, they set to exploring the side of the lake that has never been developed. Yes, lots of trees--just as we all suspected. Simon admires the well-stocked wood supply, thinking sadly of our almost-empty garage (and winter is just around the corner!). Just to show that a fire is not just for winter, Simon stoked up the fireplace and sets the wood ablaze. Meanwhile, inside... everything is comfy and... cozy. (Not only was the cabin the perfect size--two bedrooms, the second with twin beds in it--but it was stocked with the ENTIRE Jeremy Brett/Sherlock Holmes dvd collection!! We watched The Second Stain, a ripping yarn, Sunday night.) After another snack, Frederick decided that it is time to swim. The water, brown from iron (like the water in the house--yuck) and the leeched pine needles, was not as cold as one would imagine, though it wasn't exactly warm, either. "Refreshing" is the term. After much persuasion, Frederick agreed to give swimming a break and played in the sandy-zone next to the water. Here is a dragonfly. The dragonflies up there are the largest we have ever seen. This picture doesn't really do this guy justice as the yellow float he is resting on is about 5' long; he (or she) has a wing span of at least 5 inches. They are not only large, but extremely confident. Thomas walked up to one that was resting on the pier and nudged it with the toe of his shoe and not only did the dragonfly not budge, but snapped at him. A few minutes after his break from swimming, Frederick decided that it was time to swim again. This time I went into the lake with him. I wanted to like being in the lake water, I really did. But by the time I was up to my waist in water, I was up to my ankles in lake-bottom-ooze and it was not pleasant. My breaking point came when I could hear and feel things snapping under my feet as I stepped on them. Shudder. If Frederick had his way, he would live in the lake and swim during all his waking hours. Thomas, who is NOT a water baby, enjoyed more tranquil pursuits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It may be oozy but it looks very gorgeous.
