Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Childhood in a Box!

We returned from our odyssey to find a big box with Grandpa's handwriting on it sitting on the dining room table (brought in by Grandma, our house-sitter). Excitedly I (being the addressee) opened it, to find: These were my meat and drink from about the age of 8 to about the age of 12 (and probably, if I'm honest, later). At the time I had no way of organizing them in order, but now I can arrange them in order of transmission, from William Hartnell's first series, to Tom Baker's 33rd ("The Nightmare of Eden" transmitted in November/December of 1979 - I could tell you needed to know). Thanks Grandpa (in whose attic they have been resting almost since I acquired most of them from Exeter's Read'n'Return on Fore Street)! No doubt there is another box on its way, because I know I read more than this (although it is just possible I borrowed some from James Fidel or Wareham library...) As you can tell, the lodgings are temporary, but I'll soon find space by moving some of these crappy Dostoyevskys and Chekhovs...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All we could find I think.
