Monday, July 30, 2012

Grandpa at work

The new bathroom in the basement dislodged a lot of tools and miscellaneous small things (like drill bits, paint scrapers and various other pieces of hardware that people accumulate when you have a 90 year old house that is constantly needing work done. So, given that half the basement is now taken up with a growing collection of percussion instruments and the other is stuffed with boxes of stuff someone or other claims can't be thrown away because it is precious beyond belief, the only place left was the garage. The problem was a decrepit work bench with crappy drawers that was covered with more detritus and was too small and rickety to be useful. So, it had to go. We also had to make sure there was space for 5-6 "cords" of wood that we store in the garage every winter, which takes up the entire front half of the garage. Here is the start, with one incarnation of the tool cupboard doors in progress:
One door up, not sure if this is Door Version 1, 2 or 3 (the rafters were uncooperative).
Simon provides a closer shot in case further details are desired:
And here is a relatively finished product.
Now the space is very tidy (we'll supply more photos tomorrow) and we have been given strict instructions to consume vast quantities of of expensive jam (which comes in small jars) so that we can store all the various loose bits of hardware that need to be on display in the shelves specially made for jam-jar-sized storage units.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Smart cupboard and bench!
