Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Frederick the Fisherman

I know I don't have sealegs, I get seasick just looking at boats. But as has been posted several times before, Frederick not only loves water, Frederick loves boating. A few days ago Emily picked him up and announced that he was in for a very special treat: her dad was going fishing that day (he owns a small boat as 99% of Michiganders do) and she and Frederick were going along. Frederick was excited about the idea of riding a boat, but this fishing notion just seemed like something we do when we go to the pet store and buy a few feeder fish to toss into the pond. Here he is relaxed in the boat.
Here he is, swimming in the lake.
Frederick has put out lines and now had to wait...(he is signing 'fish'). The waiting is the hardest part, but he doesn't look put out at all.
Holy moly! Frederick reels in the catch of the day! A 13" walleye! (Emily's dad had the pleasure of eating it for dinner.) And, according to Emily, his squeals pretty much ensured that every fish in the lake was alerted that some serious fishing was going on.
Frederick is clearly very pleased with himself.
If only every day was as good as that day...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such delight - lovely!
