Sunday, July 15, 2012

Peddling to an island

Today it was another SCORCHER! So Simon had the not too ridiculous idea to gather up all boys and head to a local body of water to rent a paddle boat. There were groans all round, but, weakened from the heat, they were easy to pour into the car. And, lucky for me (given my loathing of boats of ALL sizes), this one was limited to 4 passengers and so I got to watch them from solid ground.  Here they are, nearing the small island, which wasn't nearly as exciting as everyone hoped (no haunted houses or corpses to discover). 

Everyone is back in the boat, breeze fluttering through their hairs, with the paddlers paddling as fast as their little legs can spin.
Cousin Jimmy, here in Flint for his annual two week fix, looking pleased with the world and all it has to offer.
Thomas not so sure that life has given him his fair shake.
Renting the boat was a good idea and lakes are great and all that, but this 99 + degree weather BLOWS.  And tomorrow it is expected to be even hotter, and the day after hotter still and so on, and so on...I am DONE with summer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cousin Jimmy certainly looking the happiest!
