Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Place is Hopping

A seeming endless stream of visitors is going through our house this weekend. Thomas and Jimmy avoid the madness by spending 48-72 hour stretches in Thomas's room, playing various electronic games. They only come out to announce that they are hungry, quickly eat, and then retreat back into the room. Since they only wake up around mid-afternoon (their sleep cycle is from about 4 a.m. to around 4 p.m.), we don't actually see much of them.
Grandpa checks out the damage. Clearly a lot of work still remains to be done to make this garage a really top-notch work space.
Some scribbles to give the impression that some high-powered thought has been going on.
Nope, have to take a break and go swimming with Frederick in Fenton.  "They" said it would get to the mid 90s today, but it wasn't nearly that hot--which is a good because it was actually a nice day.
Sturge is here, too. Just a quick trip to pick up Jimmy but also put to work fixing various things around Grandma's house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not boring then!
