Sunday, August 5, 2012

Road Trip!

Grandpa had exhausted the delights of fixing up the garage and was getting BORED, so I decided it was time for a road trip.  So Grandpa and I (Simon) piled into the Prius and headed North to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, to the town of Munising, which runs interesting cruises on Lake Superior (as previously documented here).  We set off Friday morning and arrived in plenty of time for the "Sunset Cruise", so naturally we stopped off at a nice coffee shop and used the free wi-fi.  Here's Grandpa in the "Falling Rock Cafe, Munising":
Here's Grandpa avoiding standing in the long line at the dock:
This amazing tree can only stay alive because its roots are going across to the mainland.  They used to run along a little rock bridge, but it collapsed years ago, leaving only the roots remaining:
The sun is finally setting, bathing everything in a golden glow.  Grandpa (in his pink Formenterra hat) is suitably entranced:
See what I mean about the golden light?  And look at the effect on the water:

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