Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treating

[Simon and I were blogging at the same time so this is out of order--these pictures should be after the Kermit pictures above.]
Halloween Trick or Treating was moved a day early in the hope that this would minimize the damage done on what is known here in Flint as "Devil's Night," the one evening a year when everyone feels free to roam through Flint and set houses on fire. It's almost 9 pm and so far no one has set this house on fire but the night is young, I suppose. Here come the mobs...
It gets pretty ridiculous. People pack up in minivans and trucks, driving in from all parts of town to raid our neighborhood of candy. (Admittedly I would, too, if I lived in any other part of this town.)
Here is a film of Thomas being overwhelmed by another mob. (It got worse after this and we were cleaned out after just about an hour.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Feeding of the 5000!!!!!
