Thursday, October 14, 2010

On The Road Again...

Bored with Flint, Thomas and I set out for Milwaukee this morning. I registered to attend an AutCom conference in Milwaukee and, when I told Thomas about it a few months ago, he said he desperately wanted to attend. (WHY he wanted to attend, other than to miss a few days of school, is beyond me.) It's 369.9 miles from the end of our driveway to the hotel parking lot and we made it in about 6 hours, and that was with some white knuckle driving through the outskirts of Milwaukee. (Signs everywhere promised that the face lift the 50 year old freeway was getting would be complete by the end of 2010 but, given the work that seems to need to be done and that snow will be flying in a few weeks, I am skeptical.) But we made it. And here Thomas enjoys checking out the latest additions on YouTube. (Note Yoshi on corner of desk.)
Here is our room--a space so FANTASTIC that Thomas is uneasy about walking around without shoes on. (I think the logic is that shoe wearing is more formal than simply sock wearing and formal digs require formal attire.) I don't see the AMAZINGNESS myself, but I am glad he is excited.
Thomas whooped and hollered with joy when he saw the pink toilet...
...and the not quite matching tub. The tile is...odd.
Free stuff!
Here is the view from the hotel room. We are right across from the airport and the local sights are pretty hideous. If you click on the photo it will enlarge and you will be able to see the Denny's where we went for a snack. I had a yogurt and tea and Thomas has a giant slab of Belgium waffle with two side dishes of fruit. He had the right to eggs but, rather mysteriously said to the waitress that he "didn't care" if he got them, so he didn't. And, true to his word, he didn't seem to care in the least.
Here is looking the other way, and you can just see the single golden arch of the nearby McDonald's which must date back several decades since the single Golden Arch is long passe.
The conference doesn't start until tomorrow morning at 8:30, when we register and eat a "continental breakfast." I told Thomas that someone would probably be talking while we ate, as "Introductions" is listed on the program to take place at the same time. He thought I was pulling his leg. I also told him that he could do his homework while we sat together in the talks but he didn't believe that, either. I'm not sure what he thinks is going to happen. He did attend a conference with Simon in Alaska and only has a vague idea of what that was about--he asked me during the drive if people would be talking about vampires or werewolves "like that did at that conference daddy took me to." I said it was unlikely, unless they were autistic vampires. That seemed to make him feel slightly more at ease. (What WERE they doing up there in Alaska?) And now, as the sun sets, we are going to tuck into a mean session of Minecraft and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. (Did you know you can gather clay and fire pottery and get sheep to collect wool in Minecraft? IMAGINE the possibilities!!!)


The Cushanderingsons said...

Pink toilets and Denny's? Surely this is paradise! And bring me home some dental floss, please.

Unknown said...

