Sunday, October 10, 2010

Frederick the polar bear

It got up to 75 degrees (F, of course) today, so we went to the beach, and Frederick could not be restrained from actually SWIMMING. The water was ICY - I consented to paddle in my swimsuit (and actually got a sunburnt neck) but there was no way in hell I was going to let that water get above my knees. He swam for a good 20 minutes, however, and wasn't even shivering. I think the idea of people swimming had not even occurred to Those In Charge, because not only were there no beach guards, they've even pulled up the little buoys which were in place all Summer to stop people going out too far. (And they were serious - Thomas, Jimmy and I witnessed a poor slob hauled off in handcuffs for going out past them!)
Afterwards, we played in the playground and Frederick showed off his balancing skills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's dedication for you!