Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Costumes--Another Ordeal Survived

Some weeks ago Frederick declared that he wanted to be Kermit T. Frog for Halloween. I started planning out the costume 5 or 6 weeks ago, got all the necessary fabric about a month ago, but did not have time to actually start sewing it until last week Sunday. The trick to a good costume is that the feet have to be removable if walking in them is dangerous, the hands have to be removable so that the candy container doesn't get dropped and the mask has to allow the wearer to see, breathe and talk comfortably. The night before the school Halloween dress up party, Frederick suddenly had a crisis of confidence and said he wouldn't wear the costume at school. I packed it all up in a sack for him to take anyway, but I was fairly confident he wouldn't have anything to do with it. To my surprise, Emily reported that, once he realized that ALL the kids would have costumes on, he wanted to wear his, too. Here he is in the classroom, relaxing in a rocking chair and putting on the hands.
He's all done and now just has to wait for all his classmates to get finished changing in the bathrooms. (The costume is 100% polyester fleece and is, I imagine, HOT! He looks like he is being cooked alive.)
Some of his classmates are back quickly. Emily dressed up as a cat.
Here are the rest. (Frederick can't stop staring at Clare's wig with the giant Repunzal braid.)
Here he is at Emily's, chilling in his Kermit pants and playing with Play Doh.
Thomas insisted that he was too old to dress up for Halloween but Thursday morning fell apart and begged for a costume. I told him that I would make something SIMPLE. So while he was at Philharmonia rehearsal Thursday evening I sewed question marks onto a black sweatshirt top. I'm not sure what he was, but he said that that (not knowing what he was) WAS what he was.

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