Friday, October 8, 2010

Balmy weather

Just when I thought it was time to light a fire every night, we got another heatwave. Fortunately, it's still cool at night, so we don't have to re-install all the air conditioners, but it means that walks are pleasant, even evening ones. First, to For-Mar, where there are strange goings-on:

Apparently they're going to build a new bridge. The old one vanished about six years ago, and I thought we'd never see another, because it was rumoured to be too expensive. But apparently Obama's stimulus money is trickling down...

Now on to Bluebell Beach. Frederick had to be talked out of swimming. It was balmy, but not THAT balmy.

Click for the full panorama effect!

An old friend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks beautiful.
