Monday, July 12, 2010

Trip to HELL (aka Ikea)

We must have been suffering from heat stroke; it's the only explanation for why we would think packing ourselves into the car to spend a few hours in Ikea on a Sunday afternoon would be a good idea. Whatever these things are, Frederick had to have them.
Thomas had to have two as well.
Where the hell are we and how do we get out of here?
Frederick considers buying a couple of dozen lanterns, all at an Impossible Price!
FINALLY, we found the exit and made our way back to the real world.
Somehow, despite everything being impossibly inexpensive, we managed to drop a load of money so that was a bit of a shock. Then we got stuck in construction traffic on the way home. Tempers flared, harsh words were spoken. I think we are all a bit ashamed of ourselves and learned a valuable lesson.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

NEVER go to IKEA. Only done it once in my lifetime - and never again!
