Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Look Out Hollywood!

Last night Jimmy spent the night. When Simon and I went to bed about 11, they were busy in the livingroom playing the Wii. My last words to them were that they could stay up as late as they wanted on two conditions: (1) shut off all lights before coming up to bed and (2) don't forget to brush teeth. I should have added a third, no running up and down stairs all night long. I fell asleep quickly but was repeatedly awoken during the next three hours as I heard doors opening and closing and feet pitter patting up and down the stairs. I couldn't figure out what they could possibly be doing, but was too exhausted to get out of bed and put a stop to it. The next day, as I Thomas and I drove to Ann Arbor to see the dentist, Thomas filled me in: they were up for hours making a stop-action movie and had no end of technical difficulties, all stemming from various contraptions needing AA batteries. (I should just get my paycheck translated into AA battery credits.) I got to see the film once we got home from swimming at UM and I have to say, I was pretty impressed. I would have KILLED to be able to do that sort of thing when I was a kid. Now all sorts of ideas are hatching in Thomas' head and here they are, working hard to create yet another film. Jimmy is going through the internet looking for sound effects and such while Thomas inks a backdrop. A true artist, Thomas had a fit of pique when he became dissatisfied with the backdrop and started again, now with paints on thick kraft paper. He told me more than once that he was sorely disappointed with our stock of art supplies.
Jimmy, though allegedly looking for more stuff online to use, stumbles upon a video called Six Flags Over Jesus and movie making production is temporarily halted as they are too weak with laughter to continue.
The plans get more and more elaborate. Thomas places mini Yoshi in place.
They check lights and camera angles.
More lights! For God's sake, get MORE LIGHTS!!!
I fear we will wake up tomorrow and find our house transformed into a sound stage. Oh well, it certainly brings back happy memories of my photography classes and stage crew/set designing days...though of course I had the decency to do all that away from home. Once the films get made, we'll get them posted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great for Thomas to find an equally dedicated mate.
