Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garden Update

As mentioned in a previous post, Simon's dad's last fling before departing for the airport was to make up some quick cement, supervise Simon digging yet more holes, and then constructing a frame for this rose trellis to use as a support. We planted the rose when we moved here and I am certain that the label said that this rambler was easy to train and would get to only about 10 to 12 feet tall. What they didn't mention was the 20' to 30' long branches that would grow on each 10' long stem...Finally the cement cured and the rain storms cleared and my semester ended and I had time to take out the supports and attach the trellis to its new frame. Here is a view from the street.
And here is a view looking down the sidewalk--no more long branches swinging wildly to snag kids biking past.
Meanwhile, the heap of old compost slowly goes down as I scatter a wheelbarrowful about every other day or so. We will be doing this all summmer long and we might just about use up what is left of the old heap. There in the back is the new compost pile, silently going about its business.
And here is one of the ivys taking to the Family Video wall. We bought 60 of these little plugs and I have by now planted all but 8. Rumor has it that this weekend is going to be a real scorcher so planting those last few might get put off until after the thunderstorm that is said to be arriving by mid-week.


Unknown said...

Must be lovely to watch the wall disappear.

Jeremy said...

It's all working! I can't believe it