Friday, July 30, 2010

Balcony Garden Continues to Florish

Thomas's balcony garden continues to amaze us. His two tomato plants produce more in a day than we can eat (almost).
I'm surprised I found beans as I know that Thomas checks for (and eats) the beans as soon as he finds them. (This is, after all, the same child who would sneak into Granny's poly tunnel to feast on beans when no one was looking--and sometimes even when people were looking.)
The sunflowers are all in bloom, most over 5' tall.
We haven't had any rain in weeks and so the yard looks parched and sad. Rumor has it that we are going to get rain tonight and, if we do, I'll take photos of the backyard to show how things there progress--and even if we don't get rain, if only to show how crackly and desperate the grass looks.


Unknown said...

Looking forward to more pictures however sere.


Unknown said...

Looking forward to more pictures however sere.


Unknown said...

Don't know why you got his comment twice!


Jami Anderson said...

That happened to me when I commented to a post that Simon wrote while I was in Prague. I deleted the duplicate, but the post heading remains with a "post comment removed by author" instead of the comment--which makes it looks even more mysterious and sinister.