Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thomas in the FIM Fall Catalog

Click on the link below to see the Flint Institute of Music Fall catalog pdf. (It's in the middle of the page, slightly on the right side where is says "Check out our Fall ensembles, classes and private lessons. Click here for a fall brochure and call 810.238.1350 ext. 3 to register!".) Then scroll to page 7 to see a picture of Thomas, larger than life, holding his bassoon.


Thomas is VERY proud that he was chosen to be in the catalog though anxious with how he looks in the picture. (He isn't smirking; that's what he looks like when petrified with anxiety.) He was asked to write a brief essay describing his feelings about the FIM. He said he wrote what he believed gave him the best shot at being included in the catalog. Surpisingly cynical attitude for an 11 year old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not a bit smirking - just a professional.
