Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Latest on house painting...

Eeek! The shock of it still gets me. This is not, as you may guess, larkspur (which on the house looked bright purple and caused motorists and neighbors walking past to make noises of alarm and fear) but "daffodil." As with the larkspur, it looked, shall we say, milder on the paint chip. But I don't mind it. (Thomas is very unhappy about it. He liked the purple a LOT.) I'm not happy that my blue door disappeared. I hope they can bring that back...
And here is the back of the house, horrific as ever. But the balcony is almost done and looking better than I thought possible. Thomas was very disappointed that he was not allowed to play on it after school today. Sheldon, the owner of the company we are working with, nailed the door shut from the outside so no one would come out and fall off. While Sheldon worked this afternoon, Thomas tried to pass him a 10 dollar bill through a rip in the screen hoping to bribe him into opening the door. Sheldon wasn't interested in the money but really like Thomas' turtles. Thomas was more than willing to oblige with all kinds of turtle trivia.
Here is the old balcony which was, we now know, held together with rusty 3" wood screws--it's amazing any of us are alive.

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