Monday, September 14, 2009

House Gets a Face Lift

Allegedly today painters will show up (in fact, they should have started already but Simon and I are at work and the kids are in school so we have no idea what in fact is happening) and begin prepping our house for a major painting. We have never liked the color of this house and finally got fed up enough to do something about it.
The balcony is rotten so will need to be repaired and then painted. I'm glad I won't be home for this part because the birds have hollowed out sections of the supports and installed nests. I'm going to feel terrible if baby birds get evicted.
And even the garage. For the first time ever I went behind it to see what sort of debris has accumulated and was covering up the sides. Not much debris but a dozen or so trees had started growing from underneath the garage.
Thomas wants a bright red house (neon red). Early on Simon pushed for a very light yellow but I have always wanted an indigo house. For a few weeks we toyed with a marigold sort of orange but yesterday finally agreed on something called "larkspur."

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