Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another Day at the Park

Sunday we went to Flushing park for some fun. The only way to convince Thomas to come along was to remind him that he actually enjoys taking pictures with his digital camera. Here is he is, getting up close and personal with nature.
I think he is trying for the "action photographer" look with moderate success.
A short break from photography. Thomas is very excited that one of his electives for this upcoming school year is photography. We met the new art teacher last night and she is going to teach the kids how to work with software on laptops to alter the digital photos. I was a bit put out when she said that "that darkroom business is dead, DEAD!" But Thomas probably wouldn't enjoy film photography anyway...
Meanwhile Frederick and Simon enjoy a bit of quiet.
Frederick is a swingin' fool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stunning photography. Mean while back at Wooly Thinking?