Sunday, September 20, 2009

House Updates

The painters started on the back of the house a few days ago. There is still a lot more to do, but at least the balcony is done, safe and usable.
Thomas enjoys being on the balcony. I suspect he regards it as exclusively his space.
Now the porch, which never looked great, looks especially shabby. We are thinking of getting the screens ripped out, new screen frames built so that we can install and remove each screen frame at will and (gasp!) we are even talking of getting windows built for each space so that we can use the porch in cold weather! It's almost as if we really live here.


Unknown said...

Hi! We're back (hope you got the post card) and impressed by your makeover. Gosh, you might really live there. And I have really found out that storms and rocks mean blood. Oh, for your painfully predictable climate!

The Cushanderingsons said...

"Rocks mean blood"!? Do tell!