Monday, March 30, 2009

Thomas rocks out!

Here is Thomas waiting in the rehearsal room before the concert began. He looks completely at ease, and he is. He is never the least bit nervous before performing--I really don't understand it at all. I remember that before my piano recitals I was so nervous I couldn't feel my hands. I had to consciously think about pressing the keys but couldn't feel them as I did so. Thomas is one cool customer.
And here is everyone on stage. This was the last song ("Guantanamera") of Thomas's penultimate concert for this season. Because I was running out of tape time and battery (the usual story) I didn't include the conductor's conversation before the song, but she did welcome the audience to dance and told the musicians to "get in the mood." Thomas obviously decided that he would. I tried to get the horn section "doing the wave" with their instruments but you can't quite see them nor can you see the cellos plucking their instruments like guitars. Thomas, sentimental fool that he is, was distraught when the concert was over because they will never play any of those songs again.


Unknown said...

Definitely in the mood. This boy was rocking!

What a fine band.


Jeremy said...

He's his father's son. If there's anything you can by any stretch of the imagination be sentimental about ...

As (Simon knows) we always said in the family, he's like the character in the book who was always sorry for the rice pudding that was sent away untasted.

Not a bit like me. I don't know where they get it from.

The Cushanderingsons said...

I thought it was the skin off the rice pudding...