Sunday, March 15, 2009

Surprisingly Sunny Weekend

After a ridiculously cold Friday morning, it warmed up to a ridiculously warm day and has been since. So bursting forth from our house we set to work and play in the back yard. (Look! No coats!) Here we see Frederick and Simon resting on the trampoline after a tough bounce session.
Frederick was slightly concerned when no Thomas appeared Friday morning to get ready for school but quickly recovered and has since been enjoying being the only child.
To help control Frederick's allergic reaction to leaf mildew, we set to work raking up the remaining leaves left over from last year. These are the leaves that refuse to drop with the others and only fall when the freezing rains of winter set in. Those in the shaded parts of our yard are still stuck in 5 or 6" of ice and so will have to sit another several weeks. But here at last are the undeniable signs of Spring.
We filled and emptied the wheelbarrow (or, as some would say, wheelbarrel) ten times so far this weekend and there is still much to do.
Meanwhile, we wait for the return of Thomas. Will he have had the best or the worst time of his life this weekend? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We've had brilliant sunshine too. Doesn't it lift the spirits in a reliably cliched way?

Good for Frederick enjoying his singleton status in the sunshine.

But, as you say, fascinating to know what the Chicago trip will reveal.
