Saturday, April 11, 2009

In Like a Lion, Out Like a...

We woke up Monday morning to this...

Frederick, as always, appreciates a good snowfall and spent much of the day outdoors. Thomas, however, barely noticed as he was sick in bed with the worst cold and/or flu he's had in two years. (Make that the only cold and/or flu he's had in two years.) He woke up crying about 5 am (never a good thing) with a splitting headache. By noon nausea was added, and by late that night a gurgling cough and a sore throat. So no school for him. Or the next day, or the next...or the next...or the next. Thomas spent five days in bed, barely moving, hardly even talking and during that time ate three popcicles, an ice cream bar and a few pieces of toast. Finally today (Saturday) he managed to get clothes on and was able to move about a bit. It just about did him in and he is now back in bed, struggling stoicly (stoickally??) to get caught up with his homework.
We were also treated to a bit of sun today and found signs of spring in our yard.

No signs of green on any trees and the yard is mostly mud but with daylight lasting until after 8 pm, it does feel that we are finally climbing out of winter. (And, best of all, next week is the last week of this semester!!)


Unknown said...

Wow! Extreme weather.

I do hope Thomas is getting better and that none of the rest of you catch it - not a hppy start to spring.


Jeremy said...

What's a popsicle? I've heard of corpsicles. No wonder he was ill.