Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

I suppose the content of sibling rivalry is always stupid but Thomas's and Frederick's contests of will always seem (to me, anyway) extra ridiculous. Normally Emily picks up Frederick while I pick up Thomas from school but yesterday I had to pick up both. Once home, I tried to shovel food into their mouths as fast as I could. Recite "I'm starving!" over and over while looking at pictures of baby bird mouths agape and you get the idea. [Frederick ate: 1/2 pound steamed green beans, 6 slices of cheddar cheese, 1 string cheese stick, 1/2 pound strawberries, 4 slices of bread (homemade gluten free, crust-free and slightly warmed), a bowl of raisins, a small bowl peanuts AND a bowl of dry rice chex cereal. Thomas ate: 1 enormous bowl of cereal, 6 slices of cinnamon toast, 2 cups of milk, a granola bar and a bowl of ice cream.] As I was prepping all this food I heard an argument break out in the dining room and (as all parents do everywhere) added my shouts, "What's the matter in there!?!" Thomas said, "He's taking the New Yorker and I haven't finished reading it yet!" (Meanwhile Frederick and Thomas intensify their tug of war with Simon's latest New Yorker.) I told Thomas to just let Frederick have it but he wouldn't give in. In Thomas's world, "Frederick ALWAYS gets the New Yorker first"--but not THAT day! So, to flex a bit of muscle, Thomas v...e...r...y s...l...o...w...l...y finished reading the cartoon and then gave the magazine to Frederick, who settled on the couch for a read. "Michelle Obama!" (who was featured on the cover) Frederick said with approval, as he settled in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

On the other hand it's better to watch them fight over "The New Yorker" than Fox News.
