Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Friday, free of my conference obligations, we decide to see the sights of Portland. One thing we were told we must do is go to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (or, OMSI, to those in the know).
This awaited us outside the OMSI, promising good things inside. (Can you see the tiny Thomas posing in front?)

As if we would.

I took several pictures inside, but it was so freakin' dark in there, this is the only one that shows anything. Not only were the dinosuars unbelievably large, but for the most part they were ones we had never seen before, so well worth the trip. We also made a point of seeing a dinosuar film ("Dinosaurs ALIVE!" os some such thing) in the OMSImax (not to be confused with the astonishingly inferior Imaxes that clutter the world). For this thing, you have to lay down to watch a film that is projected onto a domed screen that completely fills your field of vision. Five sets of giant speakers concealed behind the gauzy screen then blast the sound-track at a deafening volume. It didn't bode well when the usher, just before the start of the film, announced that "nausea is common" and pointed out the exits at the back of the room. When we arrived at the OMSI I had really hoped we would see both the dinosaur film and the one about King Tut and the pyramids, but by the time I got through this film there was NO WAY I would sit through another. Thomas was a bit green, too, which was a relief in a way as I feared he would beg to see it again. Not a chance. Several hours and one unbelievably expensive lunch later, we had recovered enough to attempt the dozens of puzzlers and mind twisters that always fill these sorts of places.

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