Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Footloose and Philosophy Free

Whenever it was we were last in Oregon, we stopped by this place at the base of Multnomah Falls. Thomas had no memory of seeing the falls but has a vivid memory of visiting this gift shop and Simon buying a bookmark and lip balm, both with a picture of the falls on them.

Here we are approaching the falls. The bridge you see is just over 300 yards up the falls, and is far as we got last time. Not burdened by Frederick or Simon (who can be very lazy about these sorts of things) this time, Thomas and I vow to make it to the top.

One mile? Pah! I laugh at your one mile.

Over an HOUR later, Thomas and I stumble to the top, to admire the view. I admit that I slowed our progress a bit and that Thomas could have most likely jogged up in under 15 minutes (he's skinny, but wirey) but the important thing is that we had a quality time together, and that we made it in the end.

Here is the view from the platform that overlooks the drop. Not only is the view spectacular, but it is about 15 degree cooler up there, which is a wonderful reward for all the hard work it took to get there. Now if I did that everyday, I'd get fit in no time.

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