Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Feeding and Philosophizing

Here is one restuarant that wasn't aimed at the transgendered crowd that had very nice broccoli soup which Thomas inhaled. But (we found out later in the day) they wouldn't serve us food after 4 pm, because Thomas is a minor. What's that about?

What luck! A knit shop about 100 yards from the hotel. And I forgot to bring anything to knit on the plane, too! This turned out to be Thomas's favorite stop within the city of Portland because not only were all the yarns gloriously candy-colored, but the bathroom was unbelievably luxurious: stone mosaic-ed floors and walls, green-tea scented incense, dozens of soaps and lotions to choose from and use, relaxing world music playing softly, dimmed lights--with a room like that, who would ever leave it and face the day?
Later in the afternoon I did actually have to do some work to justify this extravagent trip, so here we are at the University of Portland where I attended a few talks (putting in a good show) and gave my talk (which, I think, wasn't that great (I realized right in the middle that I had a large gap in the argument--not a happy moment) but others seemed to like it. Simon says, "It's the court cases! You can't go wrong with court cases. People eat them up like candy!" Apparently they do, as one woman (at the University of Illinois) asked me to write up something special for her to use in her classes because she found the court case information and my analysis of them so interesting. So, not a total loss.

Thomas after waiting several hours for me in the hallways of UofP. I asked him if he wanted to stay longer and let me go to more talks but, amazingly, he didn't.

So here is the diner we went to for dinner, which was right across from our hotel. And they aren't lying, those sandwiches were the size of our heads. But, sticking to our vegetarian principles, we opt for omelettes (for me) and (french toast) for Thomas.

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