Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Debra Arrives and We Go to the Zoo, of course

Thomas gets ready for Debra's arrival from Pendleton (a cowboy-wife beater town about 3 hours away). This is the fire escape balcony just outside our hotel room door. It's always good to have alternative exits.

Here we are. The zoo is prettier than the signs.

Here is a statue of the mysterious mouse-like thing we saw on our hike Thursday evening up to the top of the falls. Called a pika (I think the inspiration for Pikachu, Thomas's most beloved (and most reviled) Pokemon), the litle guys are cuter than one would think possible. (The statue doesn't do it justice.)

Must everything have dinosaurs these days? Thomas was contemptuous of the animatronics that were 1/2 or 1/3 actual size--only life-size versions warranted his attention.

Thomas relives a pose he struck 4 (or 5?) years ago, when he and I visited Debra in Cincinnati and went to the zoo there (which was also littered with dinosaurs). Happily, Thomas wasn't scared of them this year. How many years before he finds them boring?

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