Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Japanese Garden and Thai Food

Here we are at the Japanese Garden, which turned out to be my favorite place in Portland. After getting lost at every turn in the zoo, it was nice to be in a place that was quiet, beautiful and primarily designed for peaceful contemplation. Thomas told me later that it was his favorite spot and, apparently, Debra's, too.

Thomas in front of a mossy statue that has significance of some sort.

Another mossy statue. It was the preponderance of moss that sold me on the place.

Back in town, we struggle to find a place to park with a meter that won't eat our credit cards. This one tried hard to financially ruin me, but Debra's nimble fingers saved the day. Then the challenge became finding quarters to keep these things satisfied while we had dinner--not as easy at one would think.

Our last dinner in Portland, at Thai Peacock. We (Simon, Thomas, Frederick, Debra and I) ate here last time we were in Portland (2 years ago or 3? Hell if I know anymore.) This time we didn't eat upstairs so weren't roasted alive while we ate. The food was excellent and Thomas even tried something he hadn't eaten before (vegetarian spring rolls)--and liked it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a feast of news and experiences. You sure do interesting posts.

Your comments on Portland make it sound like a foreign country.

Hang onto the Japanese garden!
