Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We've got broadband!

Since we arrived in Michigan we've been using free dial-up service to access the internet from home, but now, apparently, about 3 people in the world still use that, so the University is discontinuing it. We have therefore been forced to shell out for broadband. This meant agreeing to a package deal where the cable company also supplies our 'phone service, and they won't let us use our nice cheap long distance service. Soooo, does anyone want to fill me on on how to use Skype? (I'm serious - the only reason we never tried this before is because we didn't have the speed at home.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...


But I'm no help on Skype I'm afraid - beyond a vague feeling that the people you call have to use it too? I hope some of your other readers come up with the idiot's guide.

Good luck.
