Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Driving South...

We get out of town and head south on the coast road, down to the Kenai Peninsula. Lots of mountains, and the sea coming in amongst them. The days tended to start cloudy and clear up later. Novel signs to be seen:

Thomas takes the sea air (note DS clutched in hand):

We turn away from the sea and go up a bit. Snow!

This was just a turnoff by the side of the road. We went for a stroll, and, as often happens, had to pause to tie a shoelace:

A road bridge:

Now we're looking at a lake. Not a sign of human habitation. But there is the Alaskan Railway (built for the goldrush, and it doesn't actually link up with anything outside of Alaska):


Unknown said...

Wow! This looks a bit more like Alaska - huge and cold.

What's a DS?


The Cushanderingsons said...

This is. The DS stands for "double screen".

Unknown said...


