Saturday, June 21, 2008

...and more...

On (with only a pause to go to Alaska) to his percussion recital. Starting off with some xylophony:

Next up, some work on the snare:

The pause at the end was the result of stage directions from Thomas's teacher Alyssa who whispered "freeze!"

Talking of Alyssa, on to a duet:

(Apparently all percussionists have the same hair.)

It's annoying that only a little bit of Thomas can be seen behind the monstrously large mirimbas, but I thought it would have been rude to pop up and change seats once they had started just so I could get a better shot. Simon, of course, disagrees. "He's OUR kid! They don't need to see him play!" In retrospect, I agree.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant!!! Goodness he IS composed.
