Friday, February 23, 2024

Chimney cleaning, with dire warnings


Well, we can have this welcome sight again, without the clouds of smoke every time we open the door, which we've had recently.  But the chimney cleaning came with warnings.  This time the guy with the top hat did some exploring, including actually climbing into our attic (something nobody ever does) and came back with pictures (that he'd obviously planted on his phone previously) of wood that had shrunken away from the chimney, which got overheated, because the lining had burned (so he claimed).  All of this could, nay should be fixed, it would just cost an arm and a leg.  Oh, and there was lots of animal scat up there because the shrunken wood created gaps for all kinds of critters to gain entry.  This got Jami convinced that all our health concerns were down to allergies to mouse shit, so mission accomplished, top-hat guy.  We'll probably capitulate some time in the Spring.

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