Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dentists and power cuts

Well, Thomas has been packed off to England, as Jami will post about if she ever finds the pictures she took at the airport (where he was dropped in the wee small hours of Monday morning) so we just have one Large Son to worry about at the moment, and yesterday he had a Dentist's Appointment.  Strangely he actually looks forward to these, although for his parents they are a white-knuckle experience.  We have a very nice dentist that we've been going to for nigh-on 20 years now, but she's based in Ann Arbor, so it's an hour's drive to get there.  And this time, horror of horrors, they found he needs a filling, so we will have to GO BACK in a couple of weeks.  But to break up the trip back to Flint, we stopped off at a walk that Frederick and I used to go on a lot when he was still having speech therapy sessions in Ann Arbor, but haven't done in years.  This walk:

That wasn't the silly part of the day.  That happened in the afternoon, when we had a power outage.  It's still very muggy and humid, so the house gradually became uncomfortably stuffy.  We have a little battery powered DVD player that we keep in Jami's car to play CDs on  (the one in her car long ago gave up the ghost) and Frederick was able to watch Tintin on it until it died.  I wasn't there at the time, but Jami figured out it could be plugged in in the car, so they decamped to the "House Car" as Frederick called it and were sitting there when I returned (on my bike).  So I suggested that we go shopping as we were in the car anyway, and Frederick got a kick out of late-night shopping.  Then we all had to struggle to get to sleep in the heat, being soft American types, used to air conditioning.  In fact, I set up a mattress in the basement, where I was struggling to fall asleep, with Sylvester excitedly sniffing at this strange addition to the clutter in the basement, when the power kicked in just before midnight.  Phew!

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