Thursday, August 23, 2018

Brighton High School

That's Brighton, MICHIGAN, of course.  A wealthy small town close to Ann Arbor.  I'll be teaching a class there at 7:45 IN THE MORNING all this coming semester, so I took a drive down there to check it out.  The drive's not bad - 40 minutes, almost all freeway - and at least this isn't happening in the Winter Semester, but there will be MUCH GRUMBLING when it's pitch black when I'm getting up at 6 to drive down there...

 This is the room I'll be teaching in.  The door was locked, so I had to take this through the tiny window in it.  (I was led here by a helpful lad who claimed he was old for his year and would be a Freshman this year (but knew the layout of the place because he has two older sisters).  He was about half Frederick's height and looked to my eyes about ten.  I said I hoped he was in for a growth spurt, which, in retrospect, was pretty tactless, but he agreed cheerfully enough.  The place was full of newcomers as today is the day for registering for this year.)

It's room C12.
This gives you a taste of what Brighton is like:

 "London Beauty"?  Clearly nobody has watched Eastenders.

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