Thursday, August 2, 2018

Last day with the Hallams!

 A trip to Sloan Museum to learn about Flint...
 ...and to see if Martha is suited to a life of manual labor...
 Thomas checks out how he'd look on the line.
 Polly tries out Frederick's yoga ball
 Polly tries out Pretzel
 Thomas shows her correct duck-handling procedure
 Martha sets off the camera prematurely
 Now she's in the picture but the camera slipped...
Perfect!  Wait a minute - where's Frederick's face?
And then they were off.  Well, off to their RV in Davison to watch one last dose of Disney on the satellite TV before setting off back East early tomorrow.  They didn't even stay long enough for us to get sick of each other!  It's enough to make one see the point of extended families...

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