Monday, November 27, 2017

Here and Gone

Thomas arrived late Wednesday evening. I saw Marta waiting at the train station and wondered what she was doing there, when I saw Omid get off the train--he was coming home from college, too. A few seconds later Thomas got off the train--neither had any idea they had been on the train together for the past 3 hours. Oh, how we laughed. Thomas quickly settled into his routine of sleeping til noon, playing on his computer until night, and then coming down just before we were to head off to bed to either tell us the ways in which he is disappointed in us (Simon hasn't advanced in his career enough and I haven't made enough money off my mosaics ["When was the last time you worked on a mosaic? What's wrong with you?"]--that sort of thing) OR to tell us he had major problems at school that need to be handled that second. Just like old times!And then, just as suddenly, it was time for him to go. It was brutally cold that morning and standing on the platform left me chilled to the bone for the rest of the day. Thomas made it back, is set to finish up his semester in the next two weeks, and so we expect to see him blow back into our lives around December 20th or so.

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