Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Stocking up with wood for the Winter

Our loyal reader(s) will know that every year, when Winter rolls around, the Problem of Wood must be solved.  The main problem is that whenever I find a guy who will supply us with wood one year, by the next year his phone number doesn't work and I have to assume he's realized that the Wood Business doesn't pay.  Well, for the past couple of years I've used the same guy and I bought some wood from him a month or so ago, but (a) it was overpriced, (b) it was a bit "punky" (his term) and (c) he's kind of racist and and kind of alcoholic, so it's never a particularly pleasurable experience stacking wood with him.  Well, we burned through $250 "worth" in a (very mild) month, so I decided to look elsewhere.  "Elsewhere" always means Craigslist, and this time I found a place that had pictures of beautiful-looking wood at a much more reasonable price.  Turns out it was based up in the "thumb" (the most wild and uninhabited part of Michigan - even more than the Upper Peninsula) and he would only sell in massive quantities (at least 10 cords - don't ask me how much a cord is, because I always just nod sagely when they start talking about them, a bit like when you take your car to the mechanics - when I usually get around 4 max).  I was worried that he wouldn't get up the drive with that much, so I sent a picture of it and he assured me he could do it.  And he could, but just barely.  He had a big pickup and a giant trailer that could tilt up to dump out its load.  We had to take down the washing line and he nearly took out the little roof over the side door, but it was managed.  The downside was that there was no way he (and his wife, who came along) were going to help stack it, so that has been my job over the past few (thankfully non-rainy) days.  I think we're set for the Winter now....

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