Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Frederick's latest art interest

Frederick has always loved making things. If we had saved every single piece of art he has produced in his lifetime so far, we would need a monstrous barn to store it all. The latest interest is in 3-d sculptures. This is a dragon he made last week. It's made out of modeling clay, so we don't expect it to live long since, in our household at least, accidents happen. Often.

This was yesterday. It's a Christmas ornament (you can't start making Christmas decorations too early, says Frederick) made with sculpey, a polymer clay that can be baked hard. So, this one will probably outlive all of us.
This morning Frederick woke up really crabby (a growth spurt coupled with not getting enough to eat yesterday conjoined with a sudden migraine causing cold front that arrived yesterday afternoon is the most likely cause, since ordinarily Frederick is a sunny little so-and-so in the mornings). He crabbed about Simon not being home, about me opening up the curtains, about me handing him breakfast to eat in bed, everything--until I reminded him that he was going to be making more sculpey sculptures today. Wow--that was all he needed to hear. He grabbed his toast, sprang out of bed, ran downstairs and struggled into his clothes as fast as he could manage. Too bad we were not scheduled to leave the house for two hours. He is now sitting on the couch, doing time, waiting to get the hell out of here and get back to his sculpey sculpting.
Later: Here is today's creation.

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