Sunday, May 14, 2017

Collecting Thomas

I woke up to loud tweeting and bucolic Indiana countryside.  Thence it was on the road.  All the usual NPR channels seemed to be religious channels instead, but I found a Blues channel and drove on remarkably empty roads (love Saturday morning) into Chicago:

Amazingly, the cheapest parking lot right next to Thomas's building (that's it in the background) was pretty much empty, despite everyone having to move out by Monday.
Here's my car in its first parking spot, near an exit...
...but I moved it right next to the building (across a little side road) so that I could trundle a big cardboard box on wheels full of Thomas's stuff up to the car easily.  I may or may not have dinged another car while moving it, I'm not saying.
Here are all the boxes.  Clearly we either beat the rush or were after it (Thomas's roommate had already moved out, leaving Thomas with a tray of little pastries baked by the roommate's mother, presumably for putting up with her deadbeat son (Thomas could tell her tales that would curl her hair)).
Then, after two box fulls were wedged into the Prius, Thomas insisted on taking the wheel and we were off.  I took this picture because of the helicopter.  See if you can spot it.
Thomas wants to own stock in this stock exchange.  Or so he claims.

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