Tuesday, May 16, 2017

It can't be pool time already?!?!

Has Frederick had his birthday? Yes, he has. Then it's pool time. It's that simple. About two days after his birthday Frederick stood looking out of the dining room window onto the backyard and started chuckling in a way that made me worried. "What's so funny?" I asked. He said, "Jump in the pool," and pointed to the backyard. "We don't have a pool yet." He then went to find his flip flops and started for the car. I was able to stall him (it was nearly time for bed) but it was clear that I had to buy a pool and soon. So the next day I went to Target (not our favorite on Center but the lesser model on Miller Road--pfft!) and found this little (emphasis on "LITTLE") number. It's the same style as ones we had in the past, just smaller but it was all they had! I then found out that our super duper sand filter and saline sanitizer set up wouldn't work as the company has shrunk down their input and output hose sizes--probably just to make life difficult for me. So I spend a lot of yesterday fuming and today running around trying to find a way past this problem. Eventually I found exactly what I need--hose adaptors--available on the internet, of course. So, once those show up we will be in business because it won't take long for that beautiful blue water to turn into a teeming pot of primitive life.

Simon and Frederick went for a very long walk this morning and, since temperatures skyrocketed up into the mid-80s today, they came home very hot and bothered, and both jumped into the pool--only to jump right out again. It is brisk. But tomorrow is going to reach nearly 90 degrees (F), so it won't take long to warm up.

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