Monday, March 13, 2017

Upside Down Thingy

as it is now known.

This arrived on my birthday:

Ignoring all stickers such as the following, Simon did a solo team lift, moving this from the front porch into the house, and up the stairs.

And here he is, recovering. This is on the "Beginners" setting, with the least incline (only about 10%). More experienced spine stretchers go full hog and tilt back until they are completely upside down. Martha doesn't see the point.
It does feel really good on my back, unfortunately, it also sends my already hiated stomach even further up my throat, which is unpleasant. If I could pop it back down into its rightful place, I'd be on this thing all the time. [Note to Thomas: Yes, this is in your room right now. No, it won't stay there, so contain the rage.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She certainly looks bemused. You do look odd.
