Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thomas? Where are you?

Last Saturday night I went to the Flint train station to pick up Thomas. He's on his spring break this week (ours was three weeks ago). Here comes the train:

His first words to me were, "Why are you wearing a red coat? [I wasn't--it was black, a coat I've had for four or five years.] You look weird." Be that as it may, a seed of doubt as to the pleasantness of this visit was planted. Yet, since that time I've hardly seen him. Is he even still in the house? This morning I was determined to find out. Yes, dirty dishes left laying around....

And here a pile of dirty clothes (all mixed in with the clean clothes), most of them purple....So far all signs point to a Thomas In Residence.

Ah ha! A giant well-coiffed beast snoring well past noon! No doubts about it, a Thomas infestation has hit our house.

Thomas is set to go back to Chicago in the early hours of Sunday. In the meanwhile, we are going to submit an application for a new passport. How will they spell his name this time? Thomix Wileam Chuusig? Thamis Wallem Cusshin? As God is my witness, however his name is spelled on that passport, that is how his name is going to be spelled on his airplane tickets to England this summer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck with the passport.
