Saturday, March 25, 2017

Eating Update

I am sure everyone is wondering what I eat these days. About 10 days ago I met with my doctor who was appalled that I was still taking Nexium for stomach pain and nausea when it was designed for a 10 day treatment. (In my defense, when I had the gastro-intestinal scope and was asked what meds I was taking to treat my stomach pain I mentioned that I had been told to take Nexium for two weeks, but that it didn't work. That doctor's suggestion was that I simply double the dosage. Three months later, it still wasn't working so...and there I was in my doctor's office.) Her plan of action was complex: (1) wean myself off Nexium during the next two weeks; (2) stop eating all solid foods; (3) only eat pureed fruit (non-citric) and leafy greens--gluten free, dairy-free, no nightshade plants, no onions/garlic, no hot foods (spicy or temperature-wise), (4) water to drink only--not even a slice of lemon in it. (She said I could sex it up by putting crushed ice in it. Mmmm...nope.) I was to do this for 10 days and then add one new food every three or four days until I found out the culprit(s)--the cause of all my troubles. So, the first day was ok. I went to VGs, bought a LOT of frozen fruit and fresh leafy greens. When I got home I dug out our blender, dusted it off, and found a big box of mason jars in the basement (left over from a short-lived enthusiasm for canning when Thomas was little and fun to be with) and set to work. Mason jars really are good for portioning out meals, carrying meals to work in a container that doesn't leak AND they clean in the dishwasher easy peasy--damn those Baltimore Hipsters for coming up with a genuinely good idea). And Day 1 was a huge success. I felt healthy, cleaned out, and really proud of myself for taking this all so seriously. Day 2 took a spiraling down turn: I woke up with a blinding headache and felt like the bed was on a heaving ship. (Disclaimer: In my zeal of the previous day, I had thrown out all my Nexium ("Won't need THESE anymore!" I said to myself as I tossed the bottle of the evil pills into the kitchen garbage can.) I begged Simon to dig in the garbage can and find those pills. Unfortunately, in another burst of zeal, all garbage had been taken out to the end of the driveway the previous night, and the garbage men had already hauled it away. I was completely unfit to be with Frederick so Simon had to cancel his teaching and bring me tiny portions of water as I lay in bed, alternating between sleeping and thrashing about in agony. [What was the problem? Well, there were many: I now know that Nexium doesn't heal gastritis, it just prevents the body from producing stomach acid--which feels better if you have gastritis, but THAT prevents the body from properly digesting food. And that is ok, apparently, for ten days, but not for four months AS I NOW KNOW. So, I was experiencing full on stomach acid production (probably four months back logged stomach acid, too) PLUS serious malnourishment from getting no major nutrients for the past several months. And going through caffeine withdrawal Big Time. [Mmm. Caffeine, my best friend.] Eventually Simon had 10 minutes to spare and was able to trot to Rite Aid to buy a knock off kind of Nexium (spelled: Nextoleum). I vowed to break the Nexium habit and reduced to half a pill a day coupled with a LARGE dose of antacid pills (all with the approval of my doctor, don't worry!). After about six days I was down to a third of a pill with half an antacid, and now I am on 1/4 a pill every day with no antacid. By day three I was able to eat again, and here are my meals: This is a bottle of water (got enough of those in the house to last several years), a giant scoop of vegan protein powder (shudder) and half a banana. It's like being a baby again! After Day 3 of this I added soft boiled eggs (not to the mix--that would be awful--but as a special side dish) and felt no worse off and a lot better: it's really unpleasant to eat only cold/frozen fruit and vegetables when it is still cold outside. Very depressing. That whole first week was really up and down: I keep having waves of energy followed by waves of nausea and exhaustion. Finally yesterday, Day 10, I started to feel really good. Today I feel great. I am going to add yellow vegetables (sweet potatoes and carrots) Tuesday. I am so, so excited about that. Big pile of mushy orange veg. If that stays down and causes no trouble, there are three classes of items left to test: legumes (I'm looking at you, peanuts), nightshade plants (my favorites: peppers, tomatoes and potatoes--which includes potato flour, a main ingredient in all gluten free break products) and dairy products. Which is the culprit? Or is it all of them? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a nightmare! Good luck with the trial additions to your diet.
