Friday, March 3, 2017

Eggs, please

I was in Tractor Supply (a farmer's supply box store, in case the name of it doesn't make that clear) and could hear the sound of hundreds of peeps coming from the center of the store. Like a siren song, it drew me close enough to see all the adorable chicks for sale. Suddenly it seemed very clear to me that we needed to buy some chickens. It took about an hour for Simon to see the sense of it (he does like to eat a lot of eggs). So today I got all the supplies needed (the same stuff ducks need, only smaller). Here they are: Two have been officially pronounced "female" (the larger golden chicks), but the other four are unknown as of this moment. There are three different kinds, two of each. I forget what each is right now, and none have names yet but I'm sure fitting names will emerge as personalities emerge. Sylvester has found a new favorite place to be. It was brutally cold today, so I was a bit alarmed when I had to run them from the store to my car, which had gotten cold while I was inside shopping. They complained bitterly the whole drive home, sounding like someone was pulling their toes off one at a time. Obviously this had exhausted them as when I got them home and plopped them into their new house, they all instantly fell asleep. I thought perhaps they had all dropped dead, but when I poked them their eyes popped wide open and they started up a chorus of complaints. Simon says we have to handle them a lot so they become tamed. Ok, if he insists, I guess we have to.